A Letter To My Middle School Self


A Letter to My Middle School Self

During college, I had the privilege of working with students in middle school through a college ministry I was a part of. My time working with students impacted me more than I ever thought it would and it’s one of the main reasons I chose to work with Champion Tribes after school.

As we have developed the Champion Tribes Experience, I often think about my younger self and the young men I have had a heart to serve. There are so many things I know now that I wish I could tell my younger self and all my middle school friends.

So to summarize them, I wrote a letter to my middle school self. My hope is that it that it will help you think about the letter you would write to yourself in middle school and that you can better share that wisdom with your son.

To my middle school self,

Lot’s of things are changing right now. You are growing physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Because you are in the midst of all this growth, things may feel strange and unfamiliar—that’s OK. Press into the moment. Listen to the wise voices who have gone before you: Dad, older siblings, and mentors.

Ask questions all the time. Being curious will serve you the rest of your life. Never be afraid to ask someone what they love to do, how they made a decision, or how something works. A lifelong passion, hobby, or career path could be on the other side of a few good questions and conversations.

Focus on being the best version of yourself. As people worry about being a part of the “in” crowd and portraying a certain image, they are loosing little bits of who they are. Focus on your natural strengths and abilities and try and find ways to cultivate them.

Whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability. You will learn from everything you do; when you have given your best effort, you can look back on any experience and use it to guide your next steps.

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