This Statement Could Change Everything…


This statement could change everything…

When you consider your parenting, it’s often helpful to step back and take a look at the big picture. Too often, we find ourselves caught up amidst the day to day business of work, commitments, and making time for family, that we lose sight of the why behind the what.

Recently, a friend of our’s here at Champion Tribes said something that stopped our entire team cold in our tracks. It was a phenomenal reminder of why we are doing what we do, and encouraged us to continue on with courage and confidence as we seek to serve fathers and sons.  

Sometimes, that’s what it takes — an outside voice that can give you a fresh look or a perspective that you have never considered before. Someone who can speak encouragement into your life and help you zoom out and see the larger story.  

You ready to hear it? Here it goes.

 Be the father that your kids will want to tell their kids about.

If you’re anything like us, hearing those words left a big impression. Are we becoming the fathers and sons that our kids (or future kids) will want to tell their kids about?  

In other words, what sort of legacy will we leave behind? Will it be a story worth telling?  Memories worth cherishing?

Certainly, life is not all about us.  But considering the stories others will tell of us after we are gone is an excellent way to evaluate where we currently are. It harkens back to the ancient proverb that says, “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold.”

As you begin this new week, that is our encouragement to you. Are you becoming the father that your kids will want to tell their kids about? It’s a major undertaking, but it’s one that is built over time in the small, everyday moments of life. Moments that will occur this very week!

Don’t miss those moments. Keep on going. We’re rooting for you!

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