Fathering in the Middle School Years

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Fathering in the Middle School Years

Being a dad isn’t always easy. Being a dad of a middle schooler is never easy. But it is vital.

Middle School is a unique opportunity for intentional dads. It is simultaneously one of the most formative transitions that your son will pass through and the peak of your influence on your him.

Listen to what child development expert, Kristen Ivy has to say about parenting a teenager,

“For the first 9-10 years of their lives kids primarily look to their mother to fulfill their physical needs, but around 11-12 years old a shift happens where they begin to look to their father to fulfill their emotional needs.”

That is a powerful and scary thought. Because here is what I know of you if you are a man reading this post:

1. You struggle with passivity

2. You struggle with expressing/communicating emotions

It is ok. All men do. I know I certainly do. In middle school, your kids are asking you to do two things that you are pre-disposed to run away from. They are seeking for you to take intentional action and help them navigate the emotional transitions that come with middle school.

The good news is that you are not alone and we want to help. This is the reason among many others that we created the Champion Tribes Experience. Our experience is designed to give you, the busy father, an intentional plan of action to deeply invest in the life of your son and raise a young man of character. We make it easy for you to invest small, but focused amounts of time in creating the right context for critical conversation and life change to happen. To learn more about the Champion Tribes experience and how we equip fathers like you visit www.championtribes.com.

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