Consider Your Impact


Consider Your Impact

A few weeks ago I was having coffee with a friend who brought up a point I have not been able to stop thinking about. It has changed my perspective and how I interact with people every day. It’s really simple:

You never know who you are impacting

Whether you acknowledge it or not, you have an effect on the people around you. There are obvious examples like family, friends, and coworkers—but my friend made the point that oftentimes we are unaware of when we are making our greatest impact.

For example, it could be the other kids on your son’s basketball team or the parents of someone in your daughter’s dance class. Or perhaps the young person bagging your groceries at the store or the receptionist at your doctor.

All this made me think back to an example from my own life. When I was younger, there was a Dad of another boy on my basketball team who helped out with our practices. No matter how a practice or game went, he always took the time to look us in the eyes, ask us how we were doing, and encourage us. This always made me feel really valued and noticed. There were some days when I looked forward to practice just because I knew I was going to be encouraged and intentionally recognized by this dad. Without knowing it, this father encouraged and helped me through a challenging season in my life.

Every day of your life, you are having an impact in one way or another. You simply never know who is watching or who you are impacting. With this in mind, view each day as an opportunity to leverage your personal impact for the good of others.

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