3 Battles Every Middle Schooler Will Face (And How You Can Help)

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3 Battles Every Middle Schooler Will Face

(And How You Can Help)

Middle school is a chaotic time for your son. Things are changing at a rapid pace. He is beginning to ask bigger and more difficult questions of himself and the world around him. And he is being squeezed by the pressures that life and the world is throwing at him. To help you better understand what your son is going through and how you can help him we wanted to highlight 3 battles that every middle schooler will face.

1. The Battle of Identity

Middle school is a time of self-discovery. Your child is trying to figure out who they are, how to fit in, what they believe about themselves, what they believe about the world around them. This is an immense battle taken place in your middle schooler’s life, but most of it is an internal battle. You might only see hints of that battle reveal itself through external actions. To help your child through this battle, your role is to affirm them. Give them a picture to live in to. Tell them all of the things that you love about them, clue them into their talents and strengths, gracefully help them become aware of their weaknesses too. Come along side them and help deflect some of the pressure forcing in on them. Your voice is powerful, your words have weight to your middle schooler whether they show it or not. And among the hundreds of voices around them, telling them who they should be, your voice needs to be the strongest.

2. The Battle of Acceptance

Your middle schooler wants to be accepted. They want your approval, and they also want the approval of their friends. The most important way that you can help your middle schooler with this battle is to create a significant and salient etched memory that marks their life with your approval. This is not a small task. It takes time and intentionality to do it well, but it is one of the most powerful things you can do to help your middle schooler. We often quote the Gary Smalley & John Trent quote, “If a young man fails to receive the blessing of his father, he will spend the rest of his life life looking for it in all the wrong places.” Don’t miss this chance to give your child your acceptance. (p.s. we exist to make it easy for you to create a meaningful blessing moment for your son).

3. The Battle of Community

The battle of identity and the battle of acceptance both highly influenced by 2 factors: you and your child’s friends. The battle for community is one of the most important ways in which you can help your child in middle school. Help them decipher who is a good friend, and who might not be. Help paint a picture of what a good friend looks like. Help them understand that for better or worse they will move towards and become like those they surround themselves with. Maybe even intentionally place a few friends or mentors in your son or daughter’s life.

We created Champion Tribes to help fathers navigate this crucial time with their sons. Learn more about Champion Tribes here and consider starting a Tribe today.

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