5 Unique DIY Building Projects for Fathers and Sons

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5 Unique DIY Building Projects for Fathers and Sons

It’s always a win when you can spend intentional time with your son. But when that time can teach him valuable skills, challenge him, and build his confidence it’s a HUGE win! To help you out we have curated 5 awesome DIY Build Projects for fathers and sons.

  1. Building a Marble Track

    We love this project because it really is simple, but the end result is remarkable. And your son will learn a lot about building and engineering in the process.

  2. Building a Birdhouse

    This is a tried and true classic, but we love this simple take on it.

  3. Water Bottle Rocket

    This simple, yet fun project is a sure-fire (pun intended) winner.

  4. Popsicle Stick Catapult

    Who doesn’t love launching objects through the air? This simple catapult build will be a meaningful and fun project for any father and son.

  5. Roll Back Can

    Put kinetic energy into action with the “roll back” can.

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